No Official TBR For This Month. So, What Will I Read?

I wanted to change it up a little this month. Usually, I have a monthly TBR that I do a pretty good job of sticking to if I don’t have much else going on. But this month, I’m not feeling it. There are so many books I want to knock off my TBR pile, but I’m a little tired of regulating my weekly reads. I’ve gotten caught up in my scheduled TBR that I even read books I’m not really in the mood for but I read them anyways because I already said I would.

But no more!


Instead of a strict monthly TBR, I’ll just be doing weekly updates of what I’m reading. Whatever book I happen to pick up will be the book I end up reading! I’ll try it out for this month, and then continue with that format if I see that it’s working well.

Just Finished


Initial Thoughts: Lada is bad-freaking-ass. I mean, she’s also pretty brutal and cruel, but hey, that’s just who she is. And who doesn’t love Radu? He’s so loyal and kind-hearted, but those same qualities frustrate me. Mehmed’s not worth it, Radu! Run the other waaaaay!!!! On the other hand, I really appreciate how much Mehmed has changed into a focused leader and conquerer. All three of them have become pretty ruthless in their journey to achieve their goals. It’s a tough book to read. I’m not sure there are any good men (or women) in this one. Just the way I like it 😉 This was a vast improvement over the first, which I already thought was pretty good. This will probably be a 5 star review for me.

Currently Reading

I’m only a few chapters into both of these but I’m already really enjoying them, When Dimple Met Rishi a little more than The Unexpected Everything (for now, at least). I’ve been dying to read both of these since I got them about two weeks ago, and I’ve heard awesome things. I’ve read a few more mixed reviews for When Dimple Met Rishi, but we’ll just have to wait and see what I think by the end!

Flower 1

Don’t know what I’ll read next, so I’ll get back to you when I decide! I think I’m kind of in a Harry Potter mood…..Who knows??? Until then, happy reading and see ya soon! ❤

41 thoughts on “No Official TBR For This Month. So, What Will I Read?

  1. I also loved Now I Rise! Radu needs to realize Mehmed isn’t worth it, his blind devotion is annoying me at the moment. The three of them really have become ruthless in their journeys. I like knowing who to root for and it’s almost impossible in this one since they’ve all done some pretty terrible things.

    I’m so glad you’re liking When Dimple Met Rishi! I love that book! 😊 Harry Potter is always a great choice. Good luck with your tbr!

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    1. I know, right?! I just wanna shake Radu so he realizes Mehmed is really self-absorbed and can’t love him the way he wants him to. I was really hoping something happened between him and Cyprian! Now that’s a pair I ship hard lol. And I was really surprised Lada was still madly in love with him….I just don’t see the appeal of Mehmed. But I think that’s the point in a way haha. I really don’t know who to root for at this point. I really like Nazira though.

      I’m in the middle of WDMR and I still really like it! So glad I picked this one up. Thank you! You too 😀

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      1. I know! I don’t understand why both of them are so infatuated with Mehmed, to me he seems like a brat. I want to ship Cyprian and Radu but I think Radu must redeem himself first because right now, Cyprian deserves better. YES NAZIRA shined in this book and I loved every scene with her! She was the one I ended up rooting for.

        Yay! I’m glad! Aww, thanks! Luck with my tbr is always needed 😀 .

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      2. He really does doesn’t he? And I mean, he straight up betrayed Lada and then he obviously used Radu’s love for him to manipulate him. I just don’t understand why they still love him after that…And yes. Cyprian certainly deserves better than Radu right now. Nazira was the shining star in this book. So glad White focused a bit more on her. I hope she got away safely!

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  2. I never really set myself a monthly TBR because for one I never stick to it, but also it kind of makes me feel like I am forcing myself to read something I don’t feel like reading. I tend to just finish a book and stare at my bookcase for a bit and decide from there. Sometimes I will re-read sometimes I will read something new…depends on my mood! I will read the And I Darken books soon, just after I read the 11 books I bought last week HAHAHA. I hope you have a great reading month!!

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    1. That’s exactly how I feel right now. I usually stick to my TBRs but I’ve gotten tired of forcing myself to read books I’m not really in the mood for. I’m now switching between two books, depending on my mood. So, I guess I’ve temporarily become a mood reader haha. Oooooh 11 books! Sounds like a fantastic haul! Hope you enjoy all those ones. Can’t wait to see what you think of Now I Rise once you finally get around to it 😀 And thank you! You too!

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    1. That makes perfect sense. I find I read more books, too, when I don’t plan out what I’ll read. I just read, and before I know it, I’ve read 15 books by the month’s end haha 😀

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  3. I really relate to where you’re coming from with having to read books you’re not really in the mood for. It just happened to me last month! However, I’ve worked my way around it, as I find setting goals for myself works better than letting things just happen.
    In regards of the books, When Dimple Met Rishi is the one that caught my eye… I really wanna read it! I probably will, soon, but right now I’m feeling more like fantasy than anything else, haha.
    Anyway, awesome post! Loved it!

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    1. I’ve been forcing myself to read so many books I’m not in the mood for lately that I’ve finally decided to put my foot down and try something else haha. Now I’m kind of allowing my mood to take over. Setting goals is also a really helpful way to go about reading! 😀

      When Dimple Met Rishi is proving to be a really cute book. Quite a few cliches, but what would a YA contemporary be without a few of those haha. I highly recommend it. And I love fantasy! I hope you’ve found a really good fantasy book!
      Thanks so much 😀

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      1. Well, I’m currently reading Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo so I’m quite well off on the fantasy side 😀
        And I’ll definitely have to read When Dimple Met Rishi! I keep hearing these gorgeous reviews!

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      2. Oh yay! How are you liking it so far? Isn’t Leigh Bardgo fantastic? Have you read Six of Crows yet? I still need to read Ruin and Rising to finish off the trilogy though. It’s been about two years since I read Siege and Storm. Hope you’re liking it so far 😀

        I finished it yesterday, and yes! It’s freaking adorable 🙂 I think it definitely deserves those positive reviews!

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      3. I positively loved it! Finished it last night at about 2am, haha! And no, I haven’t yet read Six of Crows! It’s actually mentioned in my July TBR, haha. I had SOC on the June TBR but then I was told it had spoilers for the Grisha trilogy and decided to read the trilogy first 😀

        And about liking Siege and Storm- man, it was an absolute blast! I’ll have to type up a review because it was flipping amazing! My favorite character (has to also be a fave all time, really) is Nikolai- he’s just so amazingly written and so complex and I feel like I relate to him a lot- although I still haven’t found out why, haha 😀

        What were your thoughts on Siege and Storm? Also, are you on any socials? If so, can I have your handles? 😀

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      4. Yaaaaay!! So glad you loved Siege and Storm. I think you might enjoy Six of Crows even more! It’s such a fantastic story, especially if you’re interested in heists and a cast of quirky and lovable characters. Can’t wait to see what you think of it once you finally get around to reading it 😀

        It’s been a while since I read Siege and Storm but I remember loving it! Nikolai was, hands down, the best part of the book and the Grisha books in general. He is such an amazing character 😀 Definitely one of my favorites in YA, too. I also really appreciate the Darkling. He’s so complex and for reasons unknown, I found myself really drawn to him.

        And I’m on a few media platforms. You can find them on my blog! Insta, Goodreads, Pinterest, and Twitter! Looks like you already found me on Twitter and Insta, though 😀 I’ve followed back ˆ_ˆ

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Haha, I sure did find them!

        I totally agree with what you said about Nikolai- and I’m sooo looking forward to reading Six Of Crows! Will be happening as soon as I’m done with Ruin and Rising!

        Looking forward to more of your posts!

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  4. I think this is a good way to go about reading Azia. I used to try and stick to monthly TBR lists but I either couldn’t do it (I’m a mood reader so about halfway through the month I’d always go off plan) or I got bored knowing what I’d have to read next. Now I don’t really have a plan for my monthly TBR, I just pick up whatever I feel like at the time. 🙂
    I’m so glad to see you loved Now I Rise, I can’t wait to see your review for that one, and I really hope you enjoy The Unexpected Everything and When Dimple Met Rishi. Both are really cute books, the perfect read for the summer, and you’re really going to extremes in a way, moving from Now I Rise to The Unexpected Everything/When Dimple Met Rishi. 😀
    Happy reading Azia! 🙂 ❤

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    1. Yeah, the boredom was kicking in real hard last month. I only got excited about my reading list once The Gentleman’s Guide and Now I Rise were released towards the end of the month. So, that wasn’t good LOL. I’m really enjoying both WDMR and TUE right now! I’m switching between the two depending on my mood from hour to hour LOL. My mood is all over the place right now. So, extreme is the perfect way of putting it LOL
      Thanks, Beth! You too 😀 ❤

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      1. Oh that’s a shame, but at least you had some releases in June to look forwards to, even if they were released at the end of the month.
        I’d never be able to do that. I can only concentrate on one book at a time, switching between two would end up confusing me. I’d put Dimple in TUE, and make Rishi a dog walker or something.
        That’s all right. 🙂 ❤️

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      2. Yeah, and they were fantastic releases, so I can’t complain much haha
        For me, the two stories were so completely different it was easy to keep them apart! But it can definitely be a confusing way to read, especially if you don’t pay attention to the plot and characters LOL

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  5. I love your new graphics, I only saw them now but woah, they’re really beautiful ❤
    The Unexpected Everything and When Dimple Met Rishi have been on my wishlist for a loooong time, I can't wait to know your thoughts ^^ Glad you're enjoying them!
    Right now, I'm reading Ponto Sem Retorno, which is a book by a Portuguese author. I haven't planned any TBR for July either, because I have no idea how July is going to turn out for me, but I hope I can also read Clockwork Princess and Cinder this month ^^

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    1. Oh thanks so much, Marta! ❤
      I finished WDMR yesterday and it's definitely worth the hype. It's so cute and light-hearted. The perfect fluffy summer read 😀 Still working on TUE! But it's great so far 😀
      Oooh what's that one about? Is it good so far? I hope you'll read those two books too! They're two of my favorites 😀

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      1. uuh I’m so glad you liked it! Everyone has been posting pictures of it, it makes me so excited 😛
        Ponto Sem Retorno is about a girl, Giselle, who’s half witch, and she lives in this fantasy world where magic is forbidden and so she’s hidden and has to steal from the market in order to survive. One day, though, the Prince catches her, and makes her work at the castle. It’s nothing completely original, but I was excited because I haven’t read many fantasy books by portuguese authors. It isn’t living up to my expectations, unfortunately 😦

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      2. Yeah, WDMR was great but I feel like The Unexpected Everything was even better. Both were amazing summer reads! 😊

        Sounds like a book I’d be interested in reading! But it’s not that good?? 😯

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      3. Ah that’s a shame D: Sorry it didn’t meet expectations. Hopefully your next read us a but more fulfilling. Will you be doing a review for it??

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      4. Yes, I’ll post it on Saturday! I decided to write one in English as well so that I could rant a little haha
        And thanks! My next read will be Clockwork Princess, so I hope so too 😛

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      5. Yay! Okay, I’ll keep an eye out for that review 😀 And Clockwork Princess is arguably the best in the series. I can’t wait to see your reaction to it!

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  6. I’m glad Mehmed is better! Most of the not so positive reviews I’ve read on And I Darken had to do with him and how he kept pulling Lada and Radu back. Which I found a real shame!
    Those two contemporaries sound super cute! But I’ve read mixed on WDMR as well and am hesitant to try it. We’ll see.
    Good on you for not setting a TBR this month! I never do, it just sounds like a waste of time for me because I never stick to it anyway xD Better to just read what you feel like 🙂

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    1. Mehmed was definitely the weak link in And I Darken. He’s become so much more in now I Rise, but not exactly in the best way. But because of that, he’s become better in his role.
      I read some really mixed reviews on WDMR but I ended up really enjoying it! And The Unexpected Everything is basically fluffy YA contemporary perfection. I’m starting to see TBRs as a waste of time now haha. So far I’m really enjoying just reading whatever I feel like! 😁

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      1. Hmm, I see. I really had hopes for him xD Well, that’s what matters 🙂 We all have different tastes, after all.
        And I could definitely use some fluffy contemporary once in a while (although I never actually do read them… Sigh)
        Hahaha they sure are for me, at least! 😛 I’m glad you found a method that works for you 😉

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      2. I’m holding out that he might get better in the third book lol. It’s hard for me to give up on these things haha.
        LOL, not much a fan of YA contemporaries filled with angst and drama?? XD
        Thank you! 😀 ❤

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