Recent Reads and Current Reads | Mini Reviews and Notes

My reading has been all over the place lately. It’s not that I haven’t been reading, because I most certainly have, I’ve just been reading oddly. One moment I’m reading a book I’ve been wanting to read for weeks, and the next I’m checking out a random book from the library and deciding to read that one instead, forgetting all about the book I’d been reading before that.

Right now, there are about three books I’ve started and haven’t finished because I just keep jumping over to a completely new book when I’m in the mood for it. All I can say is that at least I’m rarely bored with the books that I’ve read so far!

Here are the books I’ve finished in the last one to two weeks.



Fangirl | Rainbow Rowell | Review to Come

Initial Thoughts: Wow, what a throwback to my freshman year in college. Loved how real the characters felt. Cath is a little boring but relatable. I absolutely ADORE Levi. Hands down, one of the best contemporary YA boyfriends out there. Please, please, please can I have my own Levi?? What a cute romance. Loved the Simon Snow passages. A bit slow, but completely worth it in the end. Not sure I was on board with the ending. Fell a little flat for me. Also, did Cath finish Carry On before the last Simon Snow book came out? Not sure. Besides those things, this is probably one of my favorite contemporaries!


Daughter of the Burning City | Amanda Foody | Review to Come

Initial Thoughts: Strong writing, world-building, and character development. Luca was quirky and fun. Sorina had her flaws but I thought she was fairly strong as a protagonist. Could be a bit wishy-washy for me, but at least she admits to it often in the book. The dark and strange atmosphere was executed extremely well. I was surprised by how diverse the cast of characters were, especially in reference to their sexual identities. The mystery was intriguing but turned out anticlimactic by the end. The villains were too quickly disposed of once they were discovered. Also, this book could use a map for reference. Not the perfect book but still very enjoyable.

Mini Review (2)


House of Furies | Madeleine Roux | ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Louisa was smart but had no common sense. She would see phenomenal things and still deny she ever saw them. Mr. Morningside (or the Devil) was highly underutilized. He was suave but not present or intimidating enough. I didn’t understand the relationship between the MC and the male interest, who I knew next to nothing about and could care less for. The secondary characters were interesting but not fleshed out enough, and one of the characters’ backstories and relevance to the plot was a bit hazy. The setting was in much need of more detailing, particularly the gothic house in which all the events took place. The plot wasn’t focused enough and the story crept along fairly slowly. The writing was spot on and the dark atmosphere had been captured well, but overall, more could have been done with the characters and setting to make it much more terrifying and disturbing.

Audibook Review


Red Sister | Mark Lawrence | ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 1/2

I FINALLY finished this audiobook. Some notes about my first audiobook experience: The narrator did well; however, I couldn’t really take her voice changes for each character, and as a result, I had a hard time connecting with most of the characters, except Nona, Aura, and Clera (whom I have mixed feelings for). Upon listening to a story rather than reading it, I had a harder time remembering names, places, and other general information. It was a bit more difficult to follow along with Lawrence’s fantastically crafted lore and setting, but I could still notice the excellent world-building going on. My ability to visualize certain places was also not as strong as usual, but I made it through.

In regards to the story itself, Nona was an amazing female protagonist/femme fatale. I wouldn’t want to mess with any of the nuns of Sweet Mercy Convent. I loved the relationships among the girls and Lawrence’s fantastical world was not lacking in diversity. This was a fantastic book with great action, complex characters, diversity and intersectionality, as well as phenomenal writing (one of the best opening scenes and passages I’ve ever had the pleasure of listening to/reading). I loved this book and I can’t wait to read the next one!

Currently Reading


The Thousandth Floor | Katharine McGee

First Thoughts: I can’t find it in my heart to like ANYBODY in this book. Sooooo much drama and angst. I’m not sure this is my type of book. See, this is why I never got through the Luxe series and never picked up Gossip Girl. I can’t deal with all this hyper-melodrama. I won’t lie and say it’s not interesting. But I’m halfway through and already skimming pages. So, not a good sign?


Glitter | Arrilynne Pike

First Thoughts: The cover is stunning and the premise is intriguing. I’m only a few pages in, but I’m enjoying it so far. I really hope this one turns out well. Haven’t heard much about it, but it seems like a good concept, so I have some faith.


Last week I’d been in the mood to read Falling Kingdoms, but that didn’t happen. Neither did Dividing Eden. I am truly unsure what I’ll end up reading next. In all honesty, your guess is as good as mine. Here are some possible books I might be reading soon:

Anybody got recommendations out of these??

That’s all for now. Thanks for stopping by!

Azia Sig

32 thoughts on “Recent Reads and Current Reads | Mini Reviews and Notes

    1. Isn’t it just the cutest?! Loved it to pieces. Especially Levi 😍 I’ve heard so many good things about This Savage Song. I guess that’s the next book I’ll be picking up!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That was, hands down, one of my favorite part of the book. SOOOO SWEET!! And I’ve started TSS. Only a few pages in but I can already tell I’ll love it! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Oh I love so many of those books! I really need to read Red Sister. Have you read Carry On? It’s the Simon Snow bits from Fangirl. Out of your TBR I loved the Falling Kingdom series and Thirteen Reasons Why. I wasn’t overly impressed with Holding up the Universe but lots of other people enjoyed it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Red Sister is fantastic. I really hope you love it, if ever you decide to pick it up 😀 And I have read Carry On! I’m actually really glad I read it before Fangirl. I understood the passages a bit more than I would have, I think, if I’d read Fangirl first. I personally enjoyed Fangirl a bit more, though. How about you? I really want to read Falling Kingdoms, but I’m not in the mood for it just yet. And I’ve wanted to read 13 Reasons Why since the show came out!


      1. It’s been sitting on my shelf for the past six months, so hopefully I’ll get round to it soon. I ended up loving Carry On more!

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  2. It seems like you got through some brilliant books Azia, I definitely can’t wait to see your reviews for Fangirl and Daughter of the Burning City. I thought they were both amazing books so I’m glad to see you enjoyed them as well. I still need to read The Thousandth Floor, hopefully you enjoy the rest of it a little more than you have been so far. Maybe you’ll connect with one of the characters before the book is over. 🙂
    As for what you read next, I’d recommend either This Savage Song of I’ll Give You the Sun. They’re favourites of mine! 😀
    Happy reading. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I really did! Even though some weren’t as good as others (cough*HouseofFuries*cough) I still enjoyed them all. Also, it was a nice variety of books, I think 🙂
      I’m having such a hard time getting through The Thousandth Floor, Beth. It’s not that it’s bad, it’s just not something I’d usually read. I was never into Gossip Girl, and that’s basically what it is, but high-tech and amped up quite a bit. If you read it, I hope you enjoy it a lot more than I do haha
      I’ve heard those two are amazing books. I’m pretty sure I’ll read This Savage Song once I’m done with Glitter and Thousandth! 🙂
      Thanks, girl 💕

      Liked by 1 person

      1. They can’t all be five star reads can they? And at least the majority were good right? 🙂
        Oh that sucks. I wonder if it’ll be the same for me because I was never into gossip girl either. Well, it’s a book I own so one day I’ll get started on it, and I’ll let you know what I think if it too. 🙂
        Yay, you have to let me know what you think of This Savage Song, it’s a favourite book of mine!
        That’s all right. 😀 ❤️

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      2. Yeah, and that’s what counts I think 😀
        Can’t wait to see what you think of it. I’ve read some other reviews online that feel the same way I do, so I don’t feel too bad for not connecting well with the story. Since you actually own the book, I really do hope you like it haha
        I’ve started on TSS today (only a few pages in) but I can tell it’ll be a good one! ❤

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      3. Very true. And yay! I’ll try to get around to those reviews. But again, I haven’t written reviews for books I read about 2-3 months ago…So, I have a bit of catching up to do LOL

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    1. Oh yay! How are you liking it so far?? And I’ve gotten quite a few ppl saying I should read This Savage Song. I guess I’ll have to bump it up my list to see what all the hype’s about!


      1. I’m only 60 pages in, and I’m kind of wishing there was more of an eerie vibe around it. I like how the author made the main character, and intrigued to see what’ll happen next !
        I’d love to see what you think of This Savage Song when you read it 💙

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh I was wishing that, too. It gets a little more eerie/dark a little later, but truthfully, I think more horror and gothic elements could have been brought it. I think of it as the benign version of American Horror Story: Freak Show! If you’ve read more or have finished, I hope you are enjoying it 😀
        And I’m reading it now! Only a few pages in, but I’m hooked haha


  3. I really want to read Daughter of the Burning City & so glad I read your notes on it, not a fan of villains being disposed of quickly so we shall see. I flipped through the book when it came in the mail & loved the illustrations sprinkled throughout & the circus is one of my gave settings. Red Sister was my 1st Mark Lawrence book this year & I really enjoyed it but i can see how it can be a bit much on audiobook. I have such a hard time picking out my audiobooks cuz I LOVE Fantasy but can’t seem to retain details for complex worlds via audiobook. I’d also really like to start the Falling Kingdom series since I own the first half of it due to bad book buying habits *for shame* lol! Happy reading Azia, I hope you find your next GREAT read 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. DOTBC is a very good book but with pretty obvious faults, the first being the villains and how they are dealt with. I, too, hate it when villains are killed off too quickly. It makes the MC’s entire journey and investigation seem trivial. The illustrations were a very nice touch and the setting is amazing. Just wish there was a map to help out with the visualization of both the country and the structure of the circus/city of Gomorrah!
      Yeah, it’s so much harder remembering details when listening rather than reading. But because Red Sister was so vivid and well-written, I was able to see just enough to appreciate the story as a whole 😀 Hopefully we can both get around to reading Falling Kingdom soon! Thank you! ❤ You too 🙂


  4. I just finished reading This Savage Song and I absolutely loved it. The world was so well crafted, the characters were really well developed and the plot was fast paced and full of action – would definitely recommend reading it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sounds amazing! I haven’t had a chance to read more since starting a few days ago, but you’re making me really excited to get back to it soon 😄


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